Monday 7 October 2019


God gives us the basics of  what should be contained in prayer when he teaches his disciples how to pray.  Prayer should include:
Repentance,Worship and Request

We should come boldly before the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in times of need. Hebrews 4:16.

After confessing our sins to God, we then should worship God and thank him as well for his goodness and faithfulness.
We can then present our supplications to him in faith and believe that he has answered us
Mark 11:24.  Matthew 21:22.

Patience is also required because He is a God of times and seasons. Hebrews 6:12
Image result for prayer

Thursday 13 April 2017


There various things in this world that are assumed to be the source if Joy. Truly, some of them will geant you temporal happiness. The fact is, even the richest fellows in the world are still working to get more money literally meaning there is no amount of money that is enough.
There is always an emptiness that can only be filled by God. He should be the source of your joy. There's a river whose streams make glad the city of God. The joy that God gives, the world can not give it.  Therefore always be encouraged in the lord .He  knows you by name and he has written your name on the palms of his hands.


The preacher in Ecclesiastes 10:19 says money answers all things. Money is a medium of exchange used in this world, and there's almost nothing you can buy without it. Money can help one be treated in hospital but can't buy life.
Jesus says life is more worth than the food and the clothes. In Matthew 6:31.Ecclesiastes9:4 also states that a living dog is better than a dead lion. We all need money but life is better.
The wisest man that ever lived, Solomon did not ask for money yet he had a choice to make from all he desired in the world  He knew that it is wisdom that creates money. Therefore we should always thank God for life. He cares for you and me  There are many rich people with a lot of money yet with no good health or Joy.


Every other god is burried  and dead. Death could not hold my God. One would ask why Jesus had to be buried, the reason is simple. He had to preach the gospel to the dead. There's no way his mission would be complete without evangelizing to those in the grave. 1 Peter 3:19 is very clear when it says, he went and preached to spirits in prison. And that's why many of those who had died ressurected and appeared to many. Easter shows the victory over the world and the devil. It is celebrated in the month of Abib on the Jewish calendar. The grave is empty, my saviour is risen, he's alive

Sunday 2 February 2014


Is  there  any way of escaping from  a temptation ?  God knows  how to deliver the just out of temptation and to reserve the un godly for judgement on the day of punishment. 2 Peter 2.9.  If  you have  sinned  and feel un worthy, just  get up, ask  for forgiveness, forsake your sins. Remember, a righteous man falls seven times but rises again. Proverbs 24.16. There's still chance to make up and get another chance from God.