Thursday, 31 May 2012


The bible  tells us to be transformed by the renewing of our mind that we may know the good ,acceptable and perfect  will of God. The will of God is in line  with the word of God.
The bible says God teaches us his word precept  upon precept. What the devil does is to sugarcoat some things and makes them too good to be true. So unless  you are well conversant with the bible it will be hard for you to escape  him.
When Jesus was in the wilderness seeking the face of God, the devil appeared at the peak of his fasting and  used the word of God to tempt him. He told him to turn the stones  in to bread if he was the son of God. It  didn’t require Jesus to perform that miracle to be justified as the son of God.He is  anyway.
Jesus  replies  with the word of God  Deutronomy 8:3  Man  shall not live by bread alone but by every word that comes out of the mouth of God.
What  the devil does  is to give you half truth  of the matter and confuse you.No wonder  he is the  father of lies.
The devil   continues to tell Jesus to throw  himself  over the cliff since the bible says in Psalms 91:11 that God will put his angels  in charge  of you to keep you in all your ways lest you dash your feet on a stone.
The devil  will  misinterprete the bible to make  people sin.Never  be surprised  if  at the verge  of you  praying  for something may  be a husband or wife that the devil  sends   you  someone  who  is not even  born again  and these people  are promising  the best offer. The bible  says do not be un equally yoked  with non  believers. The word  of God  is  amazing.

Tuesday, 22 May 2012


The  secret   place  of  the  most  high  is  a place  of  separating  yourself   from   all hinderances  to   staying  in the  presence  of  God. It   is  basically  having  quiet  time,meditation  on the  word  of  God,Praying  and  fasting. Committing  every   problem   in his  hands   and  waiting  on  his  move.It’s   a  place  of   acknowledgement   that  God   is  able  to  do  all  things exceedingly, abanduntly  above  what  we  can  ever  ask  for  or  think. It  is  also  a  place of  humbling  ourselves   before  God.
The  Lord   afflicts  us  that  we  may  learn  his  statutes  and that  he  may  take  our  prayer  lives  to  another  level. Troubles  vanish  in  the presence  of God, broken  hearts  are  mended  only  in  his  presence.

Monday, 21 May 2012


An   event   without  people  is   like building  castles  in  the  air.
People  contribute  a lot  to  the  colourfulness  of  any  occasion. Always  be  suspicious  of  people  that  opt  to  do  things  behind scenes  especially weddings.They  may  have wedded  before in church and may not want to disclose it to you. Many  may  be  covering  up their  messes  and  getting  you  in their  trap.Don’t  be  desperate  for  anything  but  always  first   investigate  about  your would  be partner before  you  can commit  to them. A number  of  people  are  wolves  dressed  in sheep skin.

Saturday, 19 May 2012


The   road   to  greatness  is  never  smooth.There   will  always   be  stages   that  you  have to pass through   to  reach  your  destiny.Everyone  has   their  darkest  hour. Even   when  I  pass   through   the valley   of  the  shadow  of death  I  will  fear  no  evil   for  you  are  with me. Your  shepherd  rod   and  staff  comfort  me. The  weapons  of  our  welfare  are  not  carnal  but  they  are  mighty  through  God  to  the pulling  down  of   strongholds,casting  down  every  imagination   that  exalts   itself   against  the  knowledge  of  God   and  bringing  it  in to  captivity   to  the  obedience   of   Christ. For   we  do  not  fight   against  flesh   and  blood  but  against   powers,principalities, against  the  rulers   of  darkness,against   spiritual   wickedness  in  the  heavenly   places.At  the  point  where  we  give  up, Jesus  is  always  there.

Friday, 18 May 2012


First  sight  impressions   are  never  satisfactory in life. Having  a  wrong  view  about  someone  without  finding   out  the  details  is  prejudice. Communication  is  rather  an  important  key  in any  relationship  especially   when  it  comes   to  phones  and  messages. Phone   behavior   may  either  portray   someone’s   actual   character   or  tempt   us   to   conclude   on   something   wrongly. Find   out   why   someone  hasn’t  picked   your  call  or  hasn’t   replied   your  message  amidst   the  conversation. It  could  be   a problem   or an   inevitable  circumstance or  an interruption  by  a third  party   in the   conversation. Always  give  someone  chance  to  explain  the  circumstance  under  which  such  a  scenario  happened. Rejecting   a phone  call  is  rude. Rather  keep it  in silence if  in a meeting   and  call  back   to  explain  why  it  happened. Never  take  missed  calls   for   granted  but  rather  explain  why  you  didn’t   pick  immediately  you  respond  to  the  missed  call  to  avoid  un necessary  negative  suspicions   by  the  opposite  party. Hanging  on phone  still requires  you  to  first  wait  for  one  to  end the  call  before  you  press  the  end call button. If  a friend  takes  days  without  communicating, please  call  and  find  out  why before  you  conclude. A similar  incidence  happened  to  one  of my friend only  to find out  he  had gotten  a fatal  accident  that  finally  led  to  his death.  I   never  knew  such  minor  issues  could  end  a  big  and  serious   relationship  till  I  realized. Always   have  reservations   for  any  negative  responses  and  never   revenge. 

Wednesday, 16 May 2012


Rites of Life ExhibitionThere   are   three  rites   of   life; birth, marriage   and  death  the   first   and  the  last  being    the  most  important . For   birth , one  is  born   in to  this   world   crying and it   is  believed   that   the  crying   demonstrates   the  sorrow  and  pain  one  must   face  on  earth  since  even  at one’s  death, the  grief  is  illustrated   through  crying. A   baby   is   born  with  its  hands   folded  meaning   there  may  be  somethings   to  own   while  still  in   the  world. But   at  death,  one’s  hands  are unfolded  meaning   we   came   with   nothing   in  this  world   and  nothing   shall   we  carry with us  from   this  world.
These   3  passages   of  life   are  vital  in  a   way  that  one  is  appreciated  on  these   events  ie   birthday,wedding   and   a  funeral   service. I   have   never   heard   of a bad   eulogy  for   anyone’s  funeral  service.

Friday, 11 May 2012


 In  life  we meet  different  people  but  each one of them  is  important to us.
I  believe  God  will  bring  some friends  to us  just  to  teach  us  something  new  or  to  change  our bad sides  of  the coin.      There's  a reason  for  every  season  we pass  through  in life.Just  painful  to  say good bye, but  I'm  still  a friend  and  I  will never  be jealous  of  you.An  interuption  of  a  dialogue  with  you  seemed  to  mark  the end  of  it.There's  nothing  much  I  can  explain beyond  that  but it  was  rather  a  wonderful  time  to  have you  in my  life.Bad  moments  are  difficult  to  forget  but good  ones  are  harder  still  to  forget. I  will  never  forget the time  I  spent  8 good  hours  on  phone.It  is  a  memorable  moment  in my life.

Wednesday, 9 May 2012


I  am  naturally  a  small bodied  person  something  that  propels  most  people  to call me  a "model" but  to me  I don't  feel  offended because  that's who  I  am. To those  with  a few  extra pounds  are  regarded as  "fat",something  that  seems  to be  an  abuse. Everyone  should  appreciate  the way  God created them.

Monday, 7 May 2012


Keeping  valuable  documents  like  land titles  can be difficult  for  most  of  us.It  is  advisable  to  keep  them  with  banks  or  credit  unions  such  that  in case  of  some one’s death  or incapacitation,fire,floods,robbery,  it is  easy  to trace them. For the  banks, they  will  legally seal  the  box  containing  the valuable  document  upon  one’s  death  and getting  it  un sealed  will  require  a court  order. So   avoid  the  mysteries  of  losing  such  precious  documents  under wreckless  circumstances.

Thursday, 3 May 2012


The human race is made up of  people with different  colours and cultures,languages and the like.
It  is  fascinating  how God made everything unique and beautiful. For  one not to be familiar  with  particular  traits  from a different  race doesn't make his/her  race more superior  than others.No  one is  superior.Besides which race  do you  think Adam  was ? I  thank God  I've  discovered  a lot of  things  contrary  to what people think certain races are inferior and how they talk ill about certain races and tribes.Before  you say you hate  a particular race, ask yourself  why God had to do it the way  he did.


For   many  different  circumstances  that happen  in  our  lives  are  either  lessons  to  make  us  go  to  another  level   or  not  to  repeat  the  same  mistake. Every one  of  us  has  questions  in  our  lives  that  only  God  can  answer. For  some  challenges, we  just  need  to  keep  silent  or  to be  still  and  know  that  he  is God.  He  has  a   reason  for  everything  that  happens  in our  lives.
Sometimes  you  don’t  need  to  talk  much  to people  in order  to  convince  them  or  to  defend  yourself.  God  knows  your  heart  and  your  intentions  and  thoughts  more  than  they  do. It  is  always  good  to  let  challenging  situations  go  and  let God  take  charge.


In  life  there’s  always  the  necessary  and  sufficient   conditions.  The  necessary  is  what  you  are  expected  to  do or  business  as  usual.
There  are  things  that  we  do  not  because  we  are very  much  interested  in  them  but  because  it  is  the  order  of  the  day. The  sufficient  condition  is  always  initiated  by  an  individual  inorder  to  make  ends   meet. So  come  on  if  you   feel   your  salary  is  not  sufficient, please  get  something  along  side  it  to  sustain  yourself.