Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Tuesday, 27 November 2012


Hailstones ImageToday  we've  had  a heavy down pour  with hail stones, something  that rarely  happens. All  I  know  is, hail  is a form  of precipitation  that falls  as pellets  of  ice  from  the sky. It  damages  crops.  During  dry  seasons, people  pray for rain  and are never specific  about  whether  God  should send  them   good  rain without  hail  and  floods.  My  prayer  is  this  should  not be the destructive  kind  of rain.


Do   not  be worried  about  anything, but in all things with prayer and supplication  with thanksgiving , let  your  request  be made known unto God. Philipians 4:6. There  are  somethings  in our  lives  we  can  never  tell  our  parents  especially  things  to do  with  frustrations  in our  social lives or relationships. God  is our  father and  he's ready to listen  to  all your  issues. Jephtah  uttered  all his words  to God  at Mizpeh and God  answered him. Judges 11:11


I'm   one  person  who doesn't   give up  on  prayer  no matter  the  circumstance. All you  have  to know  is  you  have  the  authority over satan.
God  gave  you  authority to trample  on snakes  and  scorpions and to overcome all the  power of the  enemy. Luke 10:19. He disarmed  principalities  and powers that  were raged against us. Colosians 2:15.  Your  authority will only be effective if you speak it  out. Remember, the word of God  in your  mouth is truth 1 kings 17:24.
NB.  It  is  very  dangerously  to go into spiritual warfare  without  repenting  your sins.

Friday, 23 November 2012


                        I   just  want  to  share  with  you  the  significance  of the  cross
      1. The  cross  destroyed   the  works of  the enemy. 1 John 3:8. Remember   when  satan  appeared before  God and God  asked him where  he had been: He  said he had  been  moving  to  and fro, back  and  forth  which  is  the exact  symbol  for  the  cross.
      2. Our  curses  were  broken. Christ  has redeemed  us  from  the curse  of the  law  for  it is written, cursed is he  that  is hunged  on the cross. Galatians 3:13.
      3. The  essence  of  Jesus stretching   his hands wide on the cross was  to show  his love  towards  mankind. John 3:16
      4. Our   sins  were  forgiven. He  was  wounded  for  our  transgressions and bruised  for  our iniquities. Isaiah 53:5
      5. We  have  to carry  our own crosses   and follow  him. Mark 8:34.
      6. Our  diseases   were  healed. By  his stripes  we were healed
      7. Every  negative   was  changed  into  positive.

Thursday, 22 November 2012


Heaven's   apparent  call  is  for  people  to  repent  and  be  saved. The  grace  of  God  that  brings  salvation  has  appeared  to  all men. Titus  2:11. The  bible  tells  us  in Isaiah 55:6  to  call upon  the lord while  he's  still  near. It literally  means  there's  a  time  the grace  of God  shall be  lifted  and  it  will  be  time  for  judgement. Heaven's  last  call  shall be  for  the end  of this  age.
There shall be  a  sound  from  heaven  and   Michael, the arch angel  shall  sound the  trumpet. The  dead  in  Christ shall rise first, and  those  that are alive  shall together  see  him in  clouds and we  shall forever be  with the  lord. Will you be  there?  Get  saved  and  live  a repentant  life.


Just  like  we  use  cell  phones   to communicate  to  people, God  requires  us  to  talk  to  him  using  our  mouths.  I  imagine,  faith  is  our  airtime,  the grace  of God  is  our  network  connection, prayer  is  our  charger and the  holyspirit  is  the  customer  care personnel. Your  sim  card  is your  name and  in case  you've  not  yet  regestered  it, please  go  ahead  by  accepting  Jesus  in  your  life. If  you   believe  he  is  the  son  of God  and  confess with  your  mouth  that God  raised  from  the  dead, you'll  be  saved. Romans  10:9.  So,  what  are  you  waiting  for ?  Get  that  phone  and  talk  to  God. He's  never  busy,switched  off  but  always  available  at  the moment

Wednesday, 21 November 2012


God  created us  to  do  his  perfect  will  on  earth. Remember  the  parable  of  the  talents, God  has  given  every  man  a measure of  faith. He  has  given  everyone  of  us  a gift   and  you  will  never  discover  it  unless  you  cry   out  to  God  to show  it  to   you.  Some  people   are  doing  the  good   and the  acceptable   but  not   the  perfect  will  of  God.  He   gives   a  reward   for  the  good  and acceptable  deeds  but   not  the  actual   crown  for   what  he   created  you  for.  Also,  for  you to  be  able   to  do   his  will,  pray   he  puts  you   at  the  right  place. You   can  do  the  right  thing  but  in  a  wrong  place. Up  until  now,  I  had  not  discovered   the  perfect  will  of God  in my  life till  I  prayed  for  him  to put me  in  the right  place."For example, for God  to enable me to be able  to write this  blog,  I  had to be positioned  in this position  which is not  what I  myself  expected  to be doing  in regard  to my  academic  qualifications. God  will have  to humble you that  he  may  exalt  himself  in  your  life. Every  good  and  perfect  gift  is from  above  and comes  down  from  the father  of  lights  in   whom  there's  no variation  nor  shadow  of  turning. James 1:17.


About   a  year  ago  around   this  time,  I  miraculously  survived  a  car  accident.  I   don't   care  what  the  devil   plans  for me,  all  I  know  is  the lord will  deliver  me  from  every  evil   work  and  preserve  me  for  his  heavenly  kingdom. (2  Timothy 4:18). The  lord  will  fulfil  the  number  of  my  days. (Exodus  23:26). The  devil  came  to steal,kill  and  destroy, but Jesus  came  that  we may  have  life   and  have  it   more abundantly. The  lord  has  also  fought   my  battles  this  year. I   stand  to  testify  today   that  Job 5:12   has  become  active  and  evident  in my life. "He  disappoints  the devices  of  the crafty  so that  their  hands  can not  perform  their  enterprise".

Friday, 16 November 2012


I'm   not  yet  married  but I  strongly  believe  in  this  saying. First  and foremost, prayer time  should  be  significant  for  every family. It  is  a uniting factor  for couples  and their  children. It  is  sad  to note  that  even  for  christian  families, prayer  stops  at  church  and on a Sunday. We never  take time as  a family  to memorise  scripture.(Deuteronomy 6:8) and the devil  has  taken this  as a  loophole  to  destroy  marriages. As for me  and my  family,we shall serve  the lord. joshua 24:15.


All  the  annointed  men  and  women  of  God  have  got  where they  are  by getting on their  knees. Jesus  was  100% God  and 100% man but  prayed more than  anyone. The  secret of  his power was in  prayer. The fervent  prayer  of  a righteous  man  avails  much.(James 5:16). It is  supposed to be continuously done without  getting  tired. But  when  you stand  in prayer, forgive  and repent your  sins  before God.(Mark 11:25). God raises all those  that  are bowed down. (Psalms 145:14).

Thursday, 15 November 2012


Narrow  is  the  way  that  leads  to life and few  find  it. (Matthew 7:13). As you  walk  with God, allow  him to  order  your  steps by his  word. (Psalms 119:133) and  his  word  to be the  light  in your path. Without  that, believe you, me, you will stumble  and fall. If  you trust  in him, he will direct  your path  and will not allow  your  foot  to  be moved.(Proverbs 3:5).  You will  pass through fires, waters and the valley  of the shadow of death, but  do not be afraid, he's  with  you. You  will  walk and  not  grow  weary. (Isaiah 40:31).

Wednesday, 14 November 2012


The  serries  of events  happenning  around  the  world  are  enough  to help  us  discern  the  coming  of Jesus  Christ. He says, Wherever  there's  carcass, vultures  will gather.  The increase  of wickedness  in the world, epidemics, Uganda being  one country  that  has been affected by several of them including nodding head, Marburg, Cholera, Ebola  and  swine fever being the most recent in Kyenjojo.  Today,  there are  more  people  claiming to  be followers  of  Christ  yet with a  doctrine  contrary  to the bible. It  is time to  check  our  walk with Christ  and  prepare  for  his coming. What  have  you  done  for  him?


On  earth,  people are accorded respect  in regard to their    titles. It  is  surprising  to know,  that all  this  ends  here. Nobody  is  good for nothing. Whether  you're  lame,poor, short, small,big, to mention but  a few. Jesus once  told  those that  were asking him why  someone  was  blind and which sin he had committed to be so. He  replies, "this person was  born for  the glory of God  to be manifested". I  have  never  heard of  a  bad  eulogy  about  any dead  person for the burials I  have  ever attended in my  life.


Have  you  ever  wondered   why   some  prayers   take  long to  be  answered?  God  answers   every   prayer as  long  as  your   sins  are  not separating  you  from   him. Psalms 145:16.  He   programmes   every  event  in which   your  breaktrough  will  reach  you.  Exodus  23:30   says, ' Little  by  little, I will  drive  your  enemies from  before  you'  So  never  give  up   praying.  No  matter how  long  it  takes,  God  will  bring  it  to  pass.  He  will  deliver  you  from  your  enemies  and  plead   your  cause if  you  only  learn  to love  and  pray  for  them  and  let  God  avenge  you.

Tuesday, 13 November 2012


Write  a vision  and  make it plain upon the tables that  he may run that reads  it. For the vision is for an appointed  time but at the end it will  speak  and not  lie. For  though  it will tary, wait  for  it. Habakkuk 2:2-3. It   doesn't  matter  whether  you're  bound. When  the  right  time  comes, you will  have no choice  but to walk  in to it.

Friday, 9 November 2012


Celebrating  the 50 years  starts  way back  in  the  bible  days. There was  a celebration  at the end of every  seven years  and for  the seven  years  going on  for  seven  times  would  make  the 49 years. Hence  the 50th  year would  be  a  celebration. Leviticus 25:10  says, you shall hallow the  fiftieth year and proclaim  liberty. Having  celebrated jubilee as  a nation, we  believe in  freedom  to  govern our  nation with un compromising legislations  that  protect religious,economic as well as  political  statii.

Wednesday, 7 November 2012


As  the  year  comes  to an  end,  the  question  from everyone  is,  what they've  achieved  so  far. we  normally  make  annual  programmes   and  plans  at  the  beginning  of  the  year which  is  rational.  Habakkuk 2:2  says, write  a  vision  and make it  plain  upon  the  tables.  In  most  cases  we  attain  some  of them  and carry   the  rest  forward  to the  following  year. There's   nothing you  will  achieve  unless  you  are  alive. Let's   first  thank  God  for  what  we need  and then  he  will  grant  us  what we want.


A  faithless  christian  is like  a toothless  dog.  Abraham  is  called  a friend  of God  simply  because  of  his  strong  faith  in God. He  trusted  God  above  all odds. He   lived  to see  some of the  promises  God  gave him though, he never  saw  the  numerous  descendants  God  promised him.  Delayal  for  God's  promises  is not  denial. Between   God's  promise  and  its  fulfilment  is  opposition   from  the  devil. Faith  and patience will  however  help you  to  obtain  it. Hebrews 6:12. Let  us not be  slothful, but  let's be  followers  of those  who  through  faith and patience obtain promises.
Talking  of faith, even demons  believe and tremble. The difference  is, you  don't  have  to give up.

Friday, 2 November 2012


This   has  become more  than just a  song   to me.  For us  to live for God  every single  moment of our  lives  means   seeking  God  in  all  ways  and being  alert   to listen from him.  Living our lives  as sacrifices,  Giving up  every  vain  thing  for  the  sake  of righteousness. Philipians 3:7  puts it well when it says, the things that were gain to me, I counted loss for Christ. Mark 8:36 says, " What does  it  benefit to gain the whole world  and lose your soul in hell.  God  expects us to give  thanks in everything whether good or bad and live by faith. I  am  good  at  quoting scriptures, but  at  one  moment, I've  had to go through  a  situation to understand  the essence and literal  meaning  of some of them.  Scriptures  like Reveletions 12:11. " They overcame  him by the blood of the lamb  and by the word  of their testimony and they did not love their lives un to death. Friend you should not  love your  life  but rather, should  sacrifice and  do every thing to fulfil all righteousness.