As I read the book of Nehemiah, I realise God much as he is immortal and invisible. ( 1 Timothy 1:17), has different parts just like our bodies that are valiant. For Prophet Nehemiah, it was the good hand of God that was upon him to gain favour before king Artaxerxes to allow him go back to Judah to rebuild it's walls and gates at a time when the Israelites had been taken captive by the Babylonians because of their sins before God. Favour is all we need from God to prosper. And the God of heaven will prosper us.(Nehemiah 2:20). Proverbs 12:2 says a good man obtains favour from the lord but a man of wicked devices will he condemn. Psalms 118:16 says his right hand is exalted and does valiantly.
Friday, 31 August 2012
Thursday, 30 August 2012
In most cases we talk to God alot and ignore hearing from him and so we can never know what to do next especially when the situation involves a decision to take. We usually expect God to manifest to us in the so called splendous ways. Elijah at a time when he was hiding away from Jezebel witnessed different forms that we usually want God to reveal himself to us. He felt a very strong wind, an earthquake, fire but God wasn't in any of them. Of recent I have realised God speaks to us through the small still voice which is the holyspirit. It feels like an instict in us telling us to do something. Your conscience will always help you know whether it is from God or the devil. God always shows us a sign to prove his word and promises to us.
God speaks to us through the written word and that's the bible. Romans 12 says be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may know the good,acceptable and perfect will of God. We have to judge situations in reference to the word of God.God also does speak to us through dreams. So never take dreams for granted. Always pray and cancel any bad dreams immediately you wake up.We must have a secret time with God in order to hear from him. Psalms 91:1 says he who dwells in the secret place of the most high shall abide under the shadow of the almighty.
Wednesday, 29 August 2012
There's alot to learn from all these scriptures and I pray God enables us observe to do according to what is written in his word. Prophet Elijah was taken to heaven alive with chariots of fire. I Kings,2 Kings and 1st and 2nd Chronicles are related. They talk about Kings of Israel some of whom obeyed God's commands and others disobeyed. God punished them of their sins by famine and taking them captive to other nations like Syria and Babylon. Similary to us, we are obligated to obey God's commandments and unless we search and read the book of the law ie the bible, there's no way we will get to know his will for our lives. Continue reading this blog, as we discover God's plan for our lives.
1 KINGS 22
Jehoshaphat king of Judah agrees with Ahab king of Israel to go against Syria to regain back the region of Ramoth Gilead. They consult prophets whether to go for the war and they all give them a go ahead save for the prophet of God Micaiah who foretells them their defeat. Prophet Micaiah is slapped and imprisoned. It so happens that King Ahab dies in battle and his blood licked by the dogs as prophesied by prophet Elijah.This portion of scripture teaches us that God's word will always come to pass no matter how long it takes and that God does not tolerate sin but executes justice. Psalms 146:7 says God executes judgement to the oppressed, gives food to the hungry and looses prisoners.
1 KINGS 21
This chapter talks about Naboth. He had a vineyard next to king Ahab's palace which Ahab admired and requested to pay him for it but Naboth refuses. The king shares it with his wife Jezebel and this wicked woman advises him to falsely accuse Naboth of blasphaming God and the king. Naboth is later stoned to death. And at the time Ahab goes to take over the vineyard, God sends prophet Elijah who tells him that his blood would be licked by dogs and his wife Jezebel would be killed in Jezreel and her body would be eaten by dogs. We should ask God to take away the selfishness from us and to grant us his love to reign in us. Love is not self seeking, not envious,not proud, it does not boast, does not keep a record of wrongs, it protects, trusts, hopes, perseveres and it never fails.1 Corinthians 13:4
Monday, 27 August 2012
1 KINGS 20
The King of Syria wages war against Israel, but God sends a prophet to king Ahab promising him victory over the Syrians. God grants victory to the Israelites twice over the Syrians. The King of Syria escapes and later decides to go to king Ahab to plead for mercy. Ahab makes a covenant with him. God sends a prophet to tell him since he had spared the king of Syria and not killed him, God was to take his life and the life of the Israelites.
Friday, 24 August 2012
At the time when king Ahab and Israel had provoked the lord to anger, God sends prophet Elijah to prophesy drought or a period where they would not have rain for three years. God commands Elijah to go in to hiding and as he was there, God commands ravens to feed him along side a brook to provide him with water. Later, the brook dries and God instructs him to go to Zarephath where he had commanded a widow to feed him. On meeting the widow, prophet Elijah asks her for bread and she replies she was only left with one meal that she was to eat with her son and die.The prophet insists she first gives him bread and when she obeys, she eats the bread for many days till God releases the rain. The widow loses her son, the prophets prays and the son is raised to life.God is our provider.Matthew 6:26 says look at the birds in the air, they neither sow nor gather in barns,yet your father in heaven feeds them.Aren't you much more worth than birds? We are not birds but his image.Let's trust God for his provision.
1 KINGS 14,15 AND 16
In these chapters, there were several kings that ruled.Some of them followed God's commands and others did evil in his sight by worshipping other gods which caused him to punish Israel through a number of punishments like other nations taking them captive. Chapter 16 talks about King Ahab who did evil in the sight of God by marrying Jezebel who made him and Israel to worship Baal. God sends prophet Elijah to Ahab concerning his evil deeds.
We shall be learning about one of the most famous and interesting incidents in the book of 1 Kings about prophet Elijah.
We shall be learning about one of the most famous and interesting incidents in the book of 1 Kings about prophet Elijah.
Thursday, 23 August 2012
1 KINGS 13
The altar was rent and the ashes poured out as the man of God had prophesied. Jeroboam entreats the man of God to go and eat with him but he refuses and tells him God had commanded him not to eat anything nor go back the same way he had come from.The prophet continues with his journey as the lord had commanded him and it was told to one of the old prophets what had happened. He requests his sons to saddle the donkey for him so he may find the man of God. On meeting him,he implores him to go back and eat with him. But the prophet hesitates. The old prophet deceieves him that God had spoken to him also that they may go back to his home and eat together.
Un fortunately, the man of God accepts and follows him and as they were eating, God speaks through the old prophet and tells him, since he had disobeyed God's command, he would be eaten by a lion. And it so happens that as he returns his way, the lion slays him and he dies. We learn not to reveal God's message to us to people because satan will use them to make us fall like this prophet did.The bible says we should be as gentle as doves but as wise as serpents.
1 KINGS 12 AND 13
In chapter 12, Jeroboam turns away from the lord under the disguise of fearing Israelites turning back to king Rehoboam if they went to worship the lord in Jerusalem. Het sets up altars for other gods, makes 2 molten calves for the Israelites to worship and sacrifice to them.God sends a prophet to prophesy to him. As he was offering incense the prophet tells him there would be a time when the bones of all those kings that have turned away from God would be offered on that same altar as incense and the sign would be for the altar to split in to 2 and the ashes would be poured out.King Jeroboam stretches his hand against the man of God commanding to lay hold of him and his hand dries up so that he could not pull it back again. He implores the man of God to pray so he could restore his hand and after he prays, God restores it. We learn to worship the lord alone and no other.
Solomon turned away from God by marrying strange women that the lord had commanded not to. He had 700 wives and 300 concubines that made him worship other gods. God punishes him by taking the kingdom from him. Nevertherless because of God's covenant with David, he made him retain 2 tribes of Judah and Benjamin. God grants the 10 tribes of Israel to Jeroboam and Rehoboam Solomon's son reigns over Judah and Benjamin as it had been prophesied by prophet Ahijah. We learn not to be un equally yoked with non believers in any way whether marriage or walking in their counsel but to delight in the lord.
Wednesday, 22 August 2012
1 KINGS 10
The queen of Sheba after hearing about Solomon's fame and wisdom went to visit him with hard questions which he answered. She came with bare spices,gold and precious stones and she was astonished at what she saw at Solomon's palace; the cup bearers, the apparels, the food at the table. All his drinking vessels were made of gold. Solomon gave her all that she asked for and she returned to her country. The bible says in Proverbs 18:16, A man's gift will give room for him and bring him before great men. Every one of us has a gift from God that we must use for his glory.
1 KINGS 5 TO 9
In these chapters, Solomon builds the temple of God with the help of king Hiram of Tyre who was very skillful in curving wood and brass. He exchanges food for Cedars from Hiram the king of Tyre. The temple was built by both skillful men from Tyre and Jerusalem. Solomon builds God's temple magnificiently, overlaid it with gold in and out,included alot of things among which included: cherubims, the molten sea,lions and oxen,palm trees, the ark of the covenant which he had shifted from the city of David which is Zion.
It took him 7 years to build God's temple and 13 years to build his own house.David reigned over Israel for 40 years;7 years in Hebron and 33 years in Jerusalem.Solomon reigned over Israel for 40 years as well.After building the temple,he prays to God and God appears to him the second time and tells him if they obey his commandments,he would establish the throne of Israel forever. This portion of scriptures teaches us to build ourselves with the word of God and the love of God in our lives. Jude 1:20 says we should build up ourselves on our most holy faith,praying in the holyghost,keeping ourselves in the love of God and looking for the mercies of Jesus Christ un to eternal life.
Tuesday, 21 August 2012
Chapter 4 talks about Solomon's wealth. He had 40,000 stalls of horses for his chariots and 12,000 horsemen. His wisdom excelled that of the wise men from the East country and all the wisdom of Egypt. Solomon made 3000 proverbs and 1005 songs.1 Kings 10:27 says he made silver as stones in Jerusalem and cedars as sycamore trees in the valley for abundance. Proverbs 22:4 says before humility and fear of the lord are riches honour and life.Isaiah 33:6 says God will be a sure foundation of our times, a rich store of salvation,wisdom and knowledge and the fear of the lord is the key to this treasure.
1 Kings 3
In this chapter, Solomon makes affinity with Egypt by marrying Pharoah's daughter. He sacrifices 1000 offerings at Gibeon and the lord appears to him in a dream and tells him to ask for his heart's desire. Solomom asks for wisdom and in verse 11 of the same chapter, God tells him, since he had not asked for long life,riches or the life of his enemies, he granted him wisdom that no one in this world will ever have.Solomon judged Israel with so much wisdom and one of the most amazing cases was that of the 2 women that were fighting for a baby and he commands the child to be cut into 2 parts where he finally determines the mother.
1 Kings 2
It basically talks about David commisioning Solomon to obey God's commands and to kill all his enemies including those that his father had not killed. these included: Adonijah, Shimei, Joab, he spares Abiathar but expels him from being a priest and relocates him to another territory.This teaches us that vegeance belongs to God and our enemies will not prevail against us.
Deutronomy 28:7 says if we obey God's commands, the enemy will attack us in one direction but flee in seven directions.
Monday, 20 August 2012
For those of you that find it hard to read the bible, I am here to get you by the hand and share with you what God has for us.I have a great desire to read the bible and I like quoting scriptures alot.This time let's begin with the book of 1 kings. I will be giving you the briefs and encouraging you accordingly.1 Kings Chapter 1 talks about the time when David was of age and very ill. It so happened that Adonijah, one of his sons forcefully made himself king and yet David had sworn to crown Solomon as King. It all started when Adonijah took a click of people along side Abiathar the priest and announced himself king.Later David gets to know and crowns Solomon as king. Adonijah gets scared and pleads for mercy from David who forgives him.We learn that all authority comes from God and no matters what the Devil plans for us,as long as we have a clear stand with God, his counsel will stand.
Acts 17:28 says in him we move, in him we live and have all our being.
It literally means, there's nothing we can do without God. He says in John 15:5, he is the vine and we are the branches and without him we can do nothing. It is just that significant to the extent that even in eating and drinking we have to do it for the glory of God.(1 Corinthians 10:31)
He says because he lives we shall live also.Let's learn to consider God a priority in our lives."PHAROAH, LET MY PEOPLE GO"
The devil is a liar and a looser but he just never accepts that he is always fighting a loosing battle. 2 Peter 2:4 says God has delivered him to the chains of darkness and reserved him for judgement.I like the way Moses confronted Pharoah. God was using him as his mouth piece. Do you know God has made us gods? Yes, he says in Psalms 82:6, You are gods and children of the most high but you will die like ordinary men.
The devil resisted till he could resist no more.There's a prayer you will make and the devil will not bear any more but to let you have your miracle.
God will bend,twist and shape a situation until it comes out the way he planned it. All things will work together for the good of those that love God to those that are called according to his purpose.(Romans 8:28). He says in Ezekiel 21:27,
I will overturn,overturn,overturn it and it shall be no more till it comes whose right it is and I will give it to him. The devil is a thief. He came to steal, kill and destroy but Jesus came that we may have life and have it more abundantly.(John 10:10). Proverbs 6:31 says, a thief when caught, will repay seven folds. We must learn to claim back whatever the devil has stolen from us. Job 20:15 says, he has swallowed down riches,he will vomit them up again, God will cast them out of his belly.
Friday, 17 August 2012
Love is the greatest gift of all. Jesus said there's no greater love than a man to lay his life for his friend. If as a christian you have not experienced a transformation of your life to love people regardless of what they do or who they are and being able to forgive them regardless of what they've done, then you have not moved any single step in your walk with God. Matthew 5:9 tells us blessed are the peace makers for they will be called the children of God. Hebrews 12:14 says persue peace with all men and holiness without which no one will see God.
I imagine our life as believers in Christ to be a school where we get to learn about God by reading the bible as our guide. It involves doing tests as well. These tests are through the various challenges that we pass through in life where we have to believe and cling to the word of God and believe his report.If we pass the test, we are promoted to another level. Psalms 84:7 says we go from strength to strength.Remember God will never give you a trial beyond your faith, but he give you a way to escape so you can bear it.( 1 Corinthians 10:13). For the testing of your faith is much more precious than that of gold which perishes, for though it is tested by fire may be found of praise,honour and glory un to the appearing of Jesus Christ.( 1 Peter 1:7)
Thursday, 16 August 2012
In devoting myself to reading the word of God, I have discovered very many scriptures from which most musicians derive their songs. As I was reading the book of Proverbs, I came across this scripture that says the spirit of man is the candle of the lord searching all the inward parts of the belly.(Proverbs 20:27). Jesus said in Matthew 5:14, we are the light of the world, a city set on a hill can not be hidden. Isaiah 60:3 says; gentiles will come to your light and kings to the brigtness of your rising. Hebrews 1:7 tells us we are flames of fire. Who are we to have all these promises from God?
The race is not for the swift nor the battle for the strong nor bread for the rich nor wealth for men of understanding nor favor for men of skill but time and chance happens to them all.( Ecclesiastes 9:11). This one thing I do,forgetting the things behind me and reaching forth to the things before me I press towards the mark of the prize of the upward calling of God.(Phillipians 3:13). Let's learn to forget the past and believe to see God's goodness in the land of the living.(Psalms 27:13)
Wednesday, 15 August 2012
Did you know swearing is a sin? Ofcourse it is the third commandment.You shall not use the lord's name in vain. We only use God's name when we are making vows say wedding vows on condition we fulfil them. It is amazing when God makes promises to us he swears by himself because he can not swear by any person greater than him. His promises are yes and amen. (2 Corinthians 1:20). He says his word shall not return to him void but it shall accomplish what it pleases and prosper in the way for which he sent it. (Isaiah 55:11). It doesn't matter how long it takes, all that matters is, it will come to pass.
Tuesday, 14 August 2012
I know many people at one moment have asked themselves where races originated. The answer is very simple. In the beginning God created Adam from soil. So we know there are different types of soil. He alone knows the type of soil he used to create man. If we take it further by asking which language did Adam speak? It was the language of God because Adam used to talk to God face to face.The history of races started right from men's attempt to build the tower of Babel when God scattered them by changing their language to several of them. And since languages are corelated with race, it is very evident that this was the origin of races.
Remember your creator in the days of your youth.(Ecclesiastes 12:1)
If I forget Jerusalem, let my right hand forget its skill. If I forget Jerusalem, let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth if I forget Jerusalem as the chief of my love. (Psalms 137:5). You shall remember the lord your God for it is he who gives you the power to create wealth.
It literally means there's a tendency of people getting some form of satisfaction whenever God blesses them.There's alot more needed in our lives than the material blessings. We have to honour the lord with our substance.
Monday, 13 August 2012
When God turned again the captivity of Zion we were like those that dream and our mouths were filled with laughter and our tongues with singing.(Psalms 126:1). When a man's ways please the lord, he makes even his enemies to be at peace with him. (Psalms 16:7).If it was not the lord on our side when men rose up against us they would have swallowed us up right when their anger was kindled against us.(Psalms 124:2). Those that dwell in the wilderness will bow at our God and his enemies will lick the dust. (Psalms 72:9). He has put a new song in my heart many will see it and fear and trust God.(Psalms 40:3)
Saturday, 11 August 2012
You shall love the lord your God with all your heart,with all your mind, with all your strength.(Deutronomy 6:5). To have friendship with the world is being an enemy to God.(James 4:4). If you love the world, the love of the father is not in you. (1 John 2:15). How much time do you spend reading the word of God to know his will for your life? He says if you love me,obey my commandments. Did you know reading the bible is a commandment? He says in Joshua 1:8, this book of the law shall not depart from your mouth but you shall meditate on it day and night.
Thursday, 9 August 2012
Your enemies will gather against you but they will fall for your sake.(Isaiah 54:15). They will attack you in one direction but will flee in seven directions.(Deutronomy 28:7). No weapon formed against you shall prosper.(Isaiah 54:17). In all things you are more than a conqueror.A thousand will fall at you side and ten thousand on your right but they will not come near you.(Psalms 91:7). We were given authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy and nothing will harm you.( Luke 10:19)
Ecclesiates 3:1 tells us for everything there's a season and a time to every purpose under heaven. There's time for you to be in the dust and a time for God to raise you out of it and make you sit with princes. The people that are despising you now will be your servants.Isaiah 60:14 says the sons of those who afflicted you will come bending un to you and those that despised you will bow down at the soles of your feet.Do not rejoice over me my enemy for when I fall I will rise, when I sit in darkness the lord will be my light.(Micah 7:8). Whoever touches you touches the apple of God's eye.(Zechariah 2:8)
Wednesday, 8 August 2012
The world blinds us alot about the the ultimate plan and purpose for which we were created.The major reason as to why man was created is to worship God,otherwise there wouldn't be any need for man to exist given the fact that God is worshiped by angels in heaven.Ephesians 1:4 says he predestined us before the foundations of the world and chose us to be holy and blameless in his love.The question is what happens after death and how do we prepare for life after death? The answer is, God has given everyone a gift for a specific assignement on earth.(Romans 11:29). Pray to God to show you your calling and in case you are not yet born again you need to confess him as your lord and saviour.The message of the cross is not a dramatic fable telling but it's God's love for man kind which we freely have to accept or reject know that it is appointed for all men once to die and then judgement.(Hebrews 9:27).God is calling you will you respond to him? Remember many are called but few are chosen.(Matthew 22:14)
Tuesday, 7 August 2012
My prayer today o lord is that you grant me and those that love you perfect peace. Help us to be still amidst every storms and trials. We offer our lives to you and ask you to comfort us for every situation that has troubled our minds. Lord your word says in John 14:27.Peace I leave with you, the peace that you give us the world can not give us. We need the peace that surpasses all understanding to guard our hearts.You are the river that make glad the city of God.(Psalms 46:4). And your joy is our strength.(Nehemiah 8:10).May you turn our mourning to dancing and gird us with gladness.(Psalms 30:11). May you give us beauty for ashes and oil of joy for mourning.(Isaiah 61:3).
Monday, 6 August 2012
Did you know the dust of God's feet gives us rain?
The book of Prophet Nahum 1:3 tells us the clouds are the dust of his feet.
The book of Prophet Nahum 1:3 tells us the clouds are the dust of his feet.
Heaven is his throne and the earth is his foot stool. Imagine a huge man standing on the earth and his height extending up to the skies. That's how big our God is. He says every beast in the field is his and the cattle upon a thousand hills if he was to be hungry he wouldn't ask us because the earth and the fulness thereof is his. (Psalms 50:10).Your problem is not big for God, it has more to do with your faith and patience.
- Thank God for your life.
- Thank him for his provision
- Thank him for his protection
- Thank him for your family
- For his gift of salvation in case you accepted him as your saviour.
- For his good plans for you.
- Thank him for marriage in case you are married if you not yet thank him still because his word says in Isaiah 34:16 that none shall lack a mate.
- Thank him for your job however small it may be because there are people who have not yet found one.
- Thank him as well if you haven't got one because he has something in store for you and thank him you still believe and worship him inspite of your adversity.
- Thank him for the cross and his blood that was shed for you.
When we learn to be grateful to God , he will satisfy us with good things.
Stop complaining .Thank and worship God for who he is not what you want him to do for you.
Friday, 3 August 2012
At the point where we give up, Jesus is always there. The question would be if someone is giving up on God whom is he or she surrendering to? The answer is very simple and clear, to satan and there's no debate about that. I 've been going through a trying moment of recent and at a point where I felt like letting go, God answered my prayer. The trick is not to give up but staying in the presence of God and having the faith that he is able to deliver you out of it.
Psalms 94:18 says, When I said my foot is slipping ,your love o lord supported me. Let's learn to be still and know that he is God.(Psalms 46:10)
Thursday, 2 August 2012
Imagine what happens when a car is hit by other cars from different directions.
There would automatically be a crushing of these cars and deformation.
There would automatically be a crushing of these cars and deformation.
It astonishes me when the bible tells us in 2 Corinthians 4:8 that we are pressed on every side but not crushed,perplexed but not in despair,persecuted but not forsaken,cast down but not destroyed.The grace of God is sufficient to help you pass through every challenging moment.So take courage my friend.
It is always said God's timing is the best. God is never late and never early to do what he promises.The problem comes about because God's timing is contrary to ours. A day for God is a thousand days in the world.(Psalms 84:10). Galatians 4:4 says when the fulness of time had come,God sent forth his son to be born of a woman under the law.This calls for our patience and faith that he is able and faithful. God makes everything beautiful in its time.(Ecclesiastes 3:11)
Wednesday, 1 August 2012
- When we come before God to pray,we must know what it takes for him to have a positive response.
1 John 5:14 says if we ask for anything according to his will he hears us. Your prayer must be in line with the will or word of God.
- We must learn to forgive those that hurt us inorder to receive from God.(Mark 11:35)
- We must walk in righteousness because the fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.(James 5:16)
- We must learn to be thankful to him.(Psalms 50:14-15) Offer thanks giving to God and pay your vows and call upon him in the day of trouble and he shall deliver you and you will glorify your name.
- We must have faith.Matthew (21:22) Whatsoever things you ask in my name believing you shall receive.
- We must be patient.James (1:4) Let your patience have its perfect work that you may be perfect and complete lacking nothing.
- We must get in to spiritual welfare and rebuke satan from blocking our miracle by using the name of Jesus because satan is a thief.(John 10:10)
Psalms 56:8 says, Thou tellest my wanderings,put my tears in your bottle
Aren't they written in your book? God sees each tear that falls down your eyes. He alone knows the pain we pass through and is able to heal the broken hearts and bind all our wounds. Psalms 147:3. He too went through the pain,suffering,shame.God is our comforter in time of sorrow.He will never leave us comfortless. John 14:18
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