At the time when king Ahab and Israel had provoked the lord to anger, God sends prophet Elijah to prophesy drought or a period where they would not have rain for three years. God commands Elijah to go in to hiding and as he was there, God commands ravens to feed him along side a brook to provide him with water. Later, the brook dries and God instructs him to go to Zarephath where he had commanded a widow to feed him. On meeting the widow, prophet Elijah asks her for bread and she replies she was only left with one meal that she was to eat with her son and die.The prophet insists she first gives him bread and when she obeys, she eats the bread for many days till God releases the rain. The widow loses her son, the prophets prays and the son is raised to life.God is our provider.Matthew 6:26 says look at the birds in the air, they neither sow nor gather in barns,yet your father in heaven feeds them.Aren't you much more worth than birds? We are not birds but his image.Let's trust God for his provision.
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