Tuesday, 30 October 2012


There're   things  the  devil does and makes  us think God  is not  aware of what is happenning.  He who keeps Israel neither sleeps nor slumbers. It  is amazing the  devil too doesn't  sleep because he knows time is up for him. He  roams around like a roaring lion seeking whom to devour.  For John the  baptist, when he was about to be beheaded, he sent two of his disciples  to  ask Jesus if he was the one or they should expect another. God knows everything and he sees every tear that falls. No wonder after they had left, he  calls  John the greatest  among those born of women.  Jesus was too going to be crucified on the  cross. There's no hard situation that  the lord  Jesus did not face on earth and the worst being death. He  waited for Lazurus  to be burried to show his glory. He knows every pain and at  the right time he  proves himself  strong. He  will wait that he may be gracious  to us for he is a God of judgement. Isaiah  30:18

Thursday, 25 October 2012


There're  hymns  I used  to sing  without  meditating  on the  words  simply because  I had  never  had  a similar  experience  or trial like the writer  would probably  have  gone  through.  Songs  like; " love  lifted me"  that  has a  verse  that says  Jesus is the  master  of the sea.  Songs  like; "what a friend we have  in Jesus" have  ministered to me  in hard situations  more than  anyone could  do. What  keeps  me going  are  his  words  that say," In  the world you will face tribulations  but be of good cheer I  have overcome the world".

Friday, 19 October 2012


Just  like that  song that says, your  grace still amazes  me. Indeed, God's love  is  un explainable. I  just don't understand  how God  would love  a sinner like me. So  loving and merciful. Sometimes, we  forget this and even take it  for granted. We  cleave  on the minor  needs that can not be compared to eternal life.  We complain  alot about the  physical needs  like money and rule out  the fact  that  we are  delivered from the power of darkness. Inspite of  the price that was paid  for redemption, many are still being  oppressed  by the devil  and others have sturbbonly  refused  to accept him even after  hearing the  gospel. It's  something worth thanking him for you to be in the  light.


Lord, I  sat down  today and  just  contemplated  about  your  un ending love  and grace for  me. I  sin  every  single second. Even if  I choose  not to  talk to anyone or respond to those that  hurt me, In  my heart I sin because  I get angry. I  ask  for your  grace to forgive me everyday,  but you never chase me from your presence. Lord, I  have learnt  to be grateful to you, and even if I never  get  everything I  pray  for, I  will forever be  grateful  for  the cross  and  your un failing love for  me.


At  the time  when  David's  son Absalom  conspired  against him to take  the kingdom from him, he  makes  a prayer to God  in Psalms  3  and in verse 3 he says  God  is the lifter of his  head. It doesn't  matter what  everyone says  or thinks  in disrespect  of your  personality. God  has  a wonderful  plan for each of us  and he always glorifies  himself  at the  end of  every  trying moment  just in case  we  endure  to the  end. Most  of  what I  write on my blog  are moments  I  go through and  as the  holyspirit  reminds me  of his word, I  sit down  and write to encourage myself  and  those close  to me.

Thursday, 18 October 2012


We don't  need  to advertise ourselves  to let people  know  our faith  and the kind of God we  serve. Jesus  says in  Matthew 5:16 that our light should  shine  in us to let people see it and glorify  our father in heaven. When  Moses was from the presence  of God  the second time, his face shone  that he had to put  a veil  on himself. God  searches  our  hearts  more than what ordinary  men consider to be godliness. 2 Corinthians 3:2  says  we are written epistles read  and known by all men. The only  way we let people know God is through our  character.

Tuesday, 16 October 2012


 It  is written in Deutronomy 8:3 that man shall  not live by bread  alone  but by every word  that comes  out of the  word of  God.  The devil   has  hoodwinked  many to believe  that the bible should be read to us  by religious leaders  on Sunday, on funerals  and religious events. Deutronomy 8: 6  says  the word of God should be in our mouths. Personally, I  have  refuted  that  lie from the devil  and I  don't care  whatever, he does,  I have  to read the word of God  daily and discover  his plans for my  life. Will you do the  same?


One of the devil's  weapons  against us  is  intimidation. He will  build  an  environment  of  instilling  fear in  us to doubt  God's  power. A  case  that exactly  happenned  to Moses. He  will  exaggerate  our  weaknesses to be our inability  to  obey God. For Moses, it  was his  stammering tongue. God  will  use you inspite  of  how  imperfect  others may  consider you. The question  would be, why  do we  have to  pass through  difficult  times  yet  we have a caring God?  Jesus never  promised  an un challenging christian life, he said in John 16:33,  In the world you will face tribulations, but be of good cheer  that I have  overcome  the  world. He  says  in Mark 10:29, that those that  have left  everything for  him  and the gospel, he will give 100 fold  with persecutions  in this world  and in the world eternal.

Friday, 12 October 2012


For  God to deliver the Israelites from  Egyptian slavery, it   was  a  3 days' journey for them to reach the  promised land or a land flowing with milk and honey. (Exodus 3:18). As I  was  reading this  and asking myself  why  it had to take them 40 years to reach there,  God  reminded me of  Hosea 6:1 which  says, Come let's return  to the lord, he has torn us but he will heal us, after two days, he will revive us and on the third day  he  will raise us. First of all  these people  were used to  a particular  mentality that God had to  deal with. Just in case they were ready  spiritually, it  would happen as God had told them. They  would be  prompted to return to Egypt in that case. God  had to teach them how to depend on him in the good  and bad circumstances. The same happens to us and our  miracle will partly depend  on our  willingness and commitment to receieve  it.

Wednesday, 10 October 2012


1. Our  sins  separate  us  from God. Isaiah 59:1
2. Lack of  faith. Ephesians 6:16
3. Lack  of patience or persistence in prayer. James 1:4
4. Not  being  shielded  with the armour of  God ie belt of truth,breastplate of righteousness, preparation of the gospel of peace, helmet of salvation, the sword of the spirit which is the word of  God.
 I  read a testimony of someone who was delivered from being a satanist, and he says, sometimes God answers a prayer and it never gets to its owner because  their guardian angel is not  shielded at  a certain point because the christian did not pray for the armour of God. The devil will fight with that angel, grab that miracle and detain the guardian angel as well. The stolen miracle  is what he gives to people that  go to satanists for help. The captured angel will  be released when christians pray.

Thursday, 4 October 2012


The very  first bondage  for every  human being is  their  name. The reason why God  had to first change Abraham's name  before granting him a child was simply because  Abram  had been bound  by the very name he had acquired from Ur of chaldees, a  land that did not  worship God. The very first thing  for God to do was to change his location by commanding him to go to a land  he would show him. Proverbs 22:4  says, a good name is to be chosen rather than great riches. For  people  who want to  diminish  your fame, will end up tarnishing your  name for the same.

Wednesday, 3 October 2012


The  devil  is very  much  scared about  your  destiny. That's why he will do every  discouraging  thing  possible to derail you  from following God.
 The one thing he can not  take away  from you is your faith and that's why everything he does  aims  at putting it down.  It doesn't matter  how much the devil has trampled  on you, you're  still God's child.  Our saviour  was trampled  on but it didn't  disapprove  his sovereignity.  You  are  like  money, however much people trample on it, someone  will still  un fold it  and  use it for  purchasing  what they need.


In  Exodus 33, God  tells Moses the  congregation was  stiff necked. They were a rebellious people. As for Moses, he had found  grace  in the sight of God. God says, he will  have mercy on whom he will have mercy. This means no one is righteous before God, but  it is by his grace  that he pities those that love him. Psalms 103:13 says, as a father pities his children, so the lord pities  those that  fear him.  It is by the grace of God that we are what we  are.1 Corinthians 15:10. Paul says in Galatians 1:15, that when it pleased God, who separated me from my mother's womb and called me by grace to reveal his son to me that I may preach him among the Gentiles, I immediately conferred  not by flesh and blood.

Tuesday, 2 October 2012


2 Peter 2:4  and Jude 1:6  say God  did not spare the angels that rebelled against him but cast them  in to hell and delivered them to the chains of darkness to be reserved  for judgement of the great day. Reveletions 12:7 says there was war  in heaven and  angel  Michael with his angels  prevailed against the serpent. Genesis  is not  the beginning of God,  but the beginning of man knowing about God. The rebelious  angels left their  first estate  and they were cast on earth. It was here that they  found Adam and Eve and tempted them. The devil  and   1/3 of the angels rebelled against God. It means we are on the winning end. Jesus  said in Luke 10:18, he saw the devil  fall from heaven like lightining.

Monday, 1 October 2012


It is one of the gifts  of the holyspirit that  helps  us to  be edified  or built spiritually  and increasing our  faith. Jude 1:20 says we should  build  ourselves up on our  most holy faith by praying in the holyghost. It helps us to speak directly to God amidst  obstacles  put  by the devil against our prayers. Ephesians 6:12  says we wrestle against powers and pricipalities, against  spiritual  wickedness in the heavenly places. It helps us to pray for the un known. John 4:4  says those who worship God must worship him in spirit and in truth. We do not know how we ought to pray but the spirit  makes intercessions for us with groanings that can not be uttered.( Romans 8:26). We speak mysteries to God. Not even the devil understands  what we speak to God.