There're things the devil does and makes us think God is not aware of what is happenning. He who keeps Israel neither sleeps nor slumbers. It is amazing the devil too doesn't sleep because he knows time is up for him. He roams around like a roaring lion seeking whom to devour. For John the baptist, when he was about to be beheaded, he sent two of his disciples to ask Jesus if he was the one or they should expect another. God knows everything and he sees every tear that falls. No wonder after they had left, he calls John the greatest among those born of women. Jesus was too going to be crucified on the cross. There's no hard situation that the lord Jesus did not face on earth and the worst being death. He waited for Lazurus to be burried to show his glory. He knows every pain and at the right time he proves himself strong. He will wait that he may be gracious to us for he is a God of judgement. Isaiah 30:18
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