There'sn't any greater power than the name of Jesus. At his name, every knee shall bow down and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is lord. I would like to share a testimony of a witch who got born again after hearing a voice telling him to go to the born agains to pray for him. He says, he then saw a man with a pierced waist with blood flowing out it. This was definately the lamb of God.He also told us, satan doesn't give solutions to those who seek help from him,instead, he adds more demons in them so they can become constant clients. He also says they were not allowed to let born agains and swine to enter their shrine as this was a taboo. The grace of God is amazing. It doesn't matter what you've done. If we confess our sins, he faithful and just to forgive us and to cleanse us from all our un righteousness. 1 John 1:9.
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