A number of times in our walk with God, we get tired. Jesus knows this and that’s why he invites all that are tired and are heavy laden to give them rest.( Matthew 11:28). There’s a tendency for us to grow weary simply because we may think God is taking long to answer our prayers. The bible nevertheless says those who trust in the lord will not grow weary.( Isaiah 40:31) In the book of Judges 8:4, we read about a story of the 300 men that were with Gideon. Despite the fact that they were tired, they were still persuing their enemies. In Luke 18, Jesus tells us about the widow that never gave up persuing her desire and he later asks if the son of God will find faith on the earth when he returns. Faith without patience is useless. Let us not be slothful but be followers of those who through faith and patience obtain promises. ( Hebrews 6:12).
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