There's alot the world has to offer but to love the world is being God's enemy. James 4:4. When satan was tempting Jesus, he took him on top of a mountain and showed him the kingdoms of the world and the glory of men in a moment and asked him to bow down and worship him. Satan stubbornly tells him, he gives such to whosoever he wishes. Psalms 24:1 says the earth and its fulness, the world and they that dwell in it belong to the lord. Ofcourse by that time satan had stolen Adam's dominion over the earth which Jesus had to restore on the cross. Paul says in Philipians 3:7, the things that were gain to me, I counted loss for Christ. Abandoning the pleasures of this world and crucifying our bodies everyday, offering our bodies as living sacrifices is our reasonable worship to God. Romans 12:1
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