Tuesday 20 March 2012


I   felt  the need to share my testimony  that  I  believe will be of great  help to very  many  people out there  especially  the youths  on  how to  live pure  for God.The Bible says in Psalms 119:9-11
How can a young man keep himself  pure?By  taking heed according to your commandments.I have hidden you word   in my  heart that I  may not  sin against you.
To  me, it  hasn't  been the dramatic kind  of testimony.God's  grace has helped  me  live a pure life  this  far( I'm  27).
You  will  know  the truth  and it will  set you free.
The reason why  we go astray in most cases is that  we lack knowledge of   word of God regarding  on what to do in certain situations.
The problem  comes in when we never  really take God's word seriously and even if we know it, we choose our own will contrary to  his way.I'm  here to encourage you my friend that all things are possible to them that believe.

1 comment:

  1. Flee from all youthful lusts but persue righteousness,faith,love and peace with them that call on God out of a pure heart.
