Who has despised the day of small things? says the lord God of hosts. Zechariah 4:10. It's amazing God doesn't judge us the way this world does. People will judge you according to your physical appearance, financial status and the like, but God looks at your heart. I just want to encourage someone who is despised, that God is the lifter of your head. Psalms 3:3. He's not a respector of persons. 2 Chronicles 19:7. Have you ever imagined why after Jesus feeding the multitudes had to tell his disciples to collect even the crumbs that were left? Crumbs are always left for the destitutes and animals to eat, but God wanted to show us that he treasures even the people that are disrespected by the world. In the gospel according to Mark, Jesus tells the Syrophoenician woman that bread was for the children of Israel, and she replies, even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from the master's table and immediately her daughter gets healed. Even that little faith like a mustard seed will help you get your miracle like that woman did. God is the chief economist. He never wastes anything and he never despises anyone because he created us in his image. I decree to everyone reading this blog that your future will be greater than the former. Haggai 2:9.
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