Society has its view about God and how it expects him to do things its way.This was Jesus asking whom they expected to meet in the desert. Of course it was John the Baptist but it was more than him. It was the voice of God calling people to prepare the way for the coming of the lord and that the kingdom of God was near. Today , there’s a voice calling us to change our ways and prepare for the coming of the lord. Matthew 24:37 says ; as it was in the days of Noah, before the floods, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage until the day that Noah entered the ark God made an everlasting covenant with human kind never to destroy the earth by floods, but the fury of God will be exercised through the everlasting sorrow of fire that will never be quenched. Today, I just want to challenge us that heaven and hell are real. I don’t care what you have done or passed through, God’s voice is still calling, not only those that have not seen the light, but even those that are born again and yet our ways do not match with the word and will of God. He says only those who do what their father in heaven wants them to do will inherit his kingdom of God. Life will continue normally, and the devil will make it seem the word of God is not true. If Jesus returned one second from now would you be ready?
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