"Who redeems me from destruction and crowns me with loving kindness" Psalms 103:4 |
Lord, I thank you for delivering me from a motor accident yesterday, where a pedestrian was hit and injured, though no one in the taxi was injured. I will not die but live to declare the works of the lord.(Psalms 118:17). God will fulfil the number of my days. (Exodus 23:26). God will crown me with long life and show me his salvation.(Psalms 91:16). It is written in Isaiah 65:20 that there shall be no infant of days neither any old man whose days will not be filled for the youngest shall be 100 years. Remember by fear of the lord and humility are riches,honour and life. Proverbs 22:4. I will come to the grave at a full age as a shock of corn comes in its season. Job 5:26.
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