When we talk about homosexuality, everyone's mind will be channelled to Sodom and Gomorah as the only cities that committed this evil. There are two incidences in the bible where God destroyed this evil act and by fire. The second incidence is found in the book of Judges chapter 19 and 20 where at the time when there were nolonger judges in Israel and everyone was doing what seemed right in their sight, the Benjamites, living in Gibeah commited the exact sin as in the days of Abraham and lot by intreating a certain old man to sleep with the levite that he had lodged. Nevertherless, the old man begs them to sleep with the levite's concubine whom they abused sexually the entire night till she died. God avenges the Benjamites when the rest of Israel smites them and destroys them by fire.
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