The devil has hoodwinked people to believe being blessed means having money and whatever has got to do with materialism or stuff. Jesus said blessed are the peace makers, the pure in heart, those that hunger for righteousness, the merciful in regard to the sermon of the beatitudes in Matthew 5. Others have also been made to believe blessings are only got when someone lays hands on us in the name of praying for us. Those are just some of the ways. Many have also mis interpreted the language of sowing seed to be only giving money to others especially in religious gathering. The seed means alot, money being one of them. Our character; what we speak and do is a seed. Hosea 10:12 says sow yourselves in righteousness that you may reap mercy. Preaching the word of God is equally sowing a seed. Helping the needy say beggars is a seed. Hosea 4:6 says, " My people perish for lack of knowledge". Some people are being taken advantage of simply because they never read their bibles. You will know the truth and the truth will set you free. John 8:32. Sometimes preachers quote scriptures wrongly on TV or other places and I will easily notice it because I read my bible. You too should be able to distinguish the true and false prophets using the word of God.
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