A roll is a list of things written down. In heaven there's record keeping as well. Whenever someone accepts Christ as their saviour, their names are recorded in the book of life but if they turn away from God, their names are blotted or erased from that book.(Reveletions 3:5) For this book, it is only the son of God that is worthy to open it. The Cherubims are record keepers in heaven. Our sins are also written down in a book and only erased when we repent.( Isaiah 43:25). God also has our names written on the palm of his hands. Our tears are also written in God's book.( Psalms 56:8). Our good deeds are also recorded when he says whatsoever we do to the least of the brethren we do it to him.( Matthew 25:35). When the roll is called up yonder on the judgement day, will your name be there?
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