Did you know the book of Ezra and Nehemiah are the same? Ezra and Nehemiah were some of those that were taken captive by the Babylonians at a time when Israel had sinned against God.Ezra was not a prophet but a scribe and priest that had prepared his heart to seek the law of Moses to do it and to teach it to the Israelites. Prophet Jeremiah had prophesied the release of the children of Israel from Captivity after seventy years as written in Jeremiah 29:10. God stirred up the spirit of king Cyrus of Persia or Babylon to allow them go back and rebuild the house of God in Jerusalem and Judah. They went as the hand of God was upon them and rebuilt it. But their work was halted as they were sarbotaged by their enemies. Later, Prophet Haggai and Prophet Zechariah prophesy the rebuilding of the house of God. It was reminded to king Darius about the decree to rebuild the house of God in Jerusalem and Judah made by King Cyrus and later king Artaxerxes allows them to go and rebuild the house of God. Ezra and Nehemiah interceeded for the sins of the people through prayer, offering of sacrifices, fasting and brought to and end to those that had intermarried with the heathen.
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